Finding connectivity right in your backyard
Over the past few years, I'm sure many of us have become well acquainted with our own homes. Between cycles of lockdown, quarantine and isolation, our homes have become our safe havens in a world of confusion. However, it is also possible that some of us have come to resent our homes - the mundanity of the same four walls, the restlessness of sitting in the same spot, the itching to get back out into the world and thrive. The beauty is, you can thrive right in your own backyard, you just need a fresh perspective.
As the sisters of Backyard Wellness, we have come to learn that the best way for us to operate is in the comfort of our own homes. Not only are we able to tailor our environment to best suit our needs, it also allows you, the Backyard Wellness family, to do the same in yours! Spirit can operate across space and time, and does not require two souls to be in the same room to join them. But how exactly does this work, and how can you create your own space of relaxation?
" can thrive right in your own backyard..."
Connecting with our spirit team first requires us to enter a meditative state. Either through breathing, visualization or a combination of both, we call on our spirit team to guide us. The more relaxed we are, the quicker the connection is made. Our team enters our subconscious and works through us to provide you with the messages you need the most.
We are all spiritual beings, and we are all made of energy. If a group of people are emotionally connected, the effects can be felt even at a distance. That is because our souls are working together in the spiritual realm - they are not bound by the physical constraints of our earthly bodies. The more purposeful the intention, the more fluidity there is in a channeled session.
Finding peace in your own backyard is as simple as taking stock of what you have already surrounded yourself with. Do you find solace in reading? Perhaps your peaceful space is beside a bookshelf, teeming with literature. Do you find peace in nature? Perhaps your peaceful space is under a tree in your yard. Do you find peace while soaking in the bathtub? Perhaps your peaceful space is in a spa like bathroom retreat. Even if you do not have a dedicated room, you can create your own oasis with a few crystals, candles, and well intentioned breaths. It is all about curating an environment that makes you feel lighter, and more relaxed.
Once you have arranged the proper space, connecting with us and your spirt team is as simple as reaching out and booking a session.
Songs to Listen to After Reading
Want to keep listening? Check out our Spotify playlist!