A letter to my baby from a new mama
Dear Little One,
As a new mother, I am trying my best to keep you happy and fed and clean and fulfilled. It's a tall order for a woman who's never done this before, has no training, and has an overabundance of confusing advice from ye olde Google. Nevertheless, I hope you are well, you are thriving, and you are finding the spark of joy in life that makes your heart sing. Or maybe you're just finally finding your hand...same thing right?
You told me once in a dream that your goal in life is to find connection by learning from me...someone who has already found connection. You aim to replicate the steps that I took to reach my enlightenment, so you too may find enlightenment. But how do I meet your expectations while learning how to be a mother? All I can do is try my best, and offer some words of advice from my not-so-wise self.
"Allow time for your dreams to come true..."
My first piece of advice is, what brings you joy? What makes you squeal with high pitched shrills of fascination, and hearty giggles of happiness? Is it a colourful rainbow bouncing across the screen from a sensory video? Is it the feeling of grass between your toes? Perhaps it's dancing to sea shanties with mommy and daddy. Whatever it is, do more of that. Seek out experiences that lighten your energy. Why? The lighter your energy, the closer you are to spirit, and the easier it will be for you to tune into your higher self and guides.
My second piece of advice is to surround yourself with love - people you love (like mommy and daddy), sights and smells you love (like in the kitchen with a delicious meal cooking), and anything that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside (like snuggling with auntie). When you are living in a space of love, you attract more love to yourself. Life flows with ease and your dreams may come true even faster.
My third piece of advice is be curious and creative. Do not be afraid to learn new things, discover new things, and be innovative. When you live with joy and love in your heart, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and discoveries. Maybe you try looking at life from a new perspective (like tummy time in the backyard instead of the living room). Create a world full of wonder, and keep building it up.
My final piece of advice is to be patient. Allow time for your dreams to come true, and don't rush through life too quickly. Time really does go by faster the older you get (at least, it feels that way), so enjoy being young. Enjoy the carefree summers at the beach, and laughter filled classrooms of life.
Most importantly, be uniquely you. Let your inner light shine bright for all to see. You are a smiling beacon of joy, and the whole world deserves to know you. Don't be afraid to let your true self show.
With love,
Songs to Listen to After Reading
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