Walking the spiritual balance beam of life
When we are spiritually connected, whether consciously or subconsciously, decisions come easy and life seems to float as effortlessly as a leaf on water. Messages from spirit are abundant, and we have a strong sense of our inner voice - our intuition. But what happens when these cues go dormant? What happens if they seemingly disappear?
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. While this sentiment may be cliché, it's the truth. Our beings are the result of two entities coming together - our physical bodies, and our spiritual souls. This means we have to pay attention to both halves to feel completely whole.
"We are spiritual beings having a physical experience."
When you are out of alignment with your higher self, you are living in your ego-driven mind. Sometimes this happens as a test. Perhaps your spirit guides are pushing you to make connections on your own, and find your own way back to spiritual equilibrium. If this is the case, you need to dive deep within to regain connection. Put down the oracle cards and the pendulum. While these are great tools, they can act as distractions and muddle your inner voice. Instead, take a few deep breaths and listen to your own voice in the silence. See what it's trying to tell you. If you can't hear your inner voice at all, this may be a sign that you need to focus on your physical human experience for a little while. We chose to be on earth for reasons we may not yet know. Perhaps the unusual feeling of disconnection and silence is necessary for you to fully experience your life on earth right now.
An alternate scenario is that you have been so caught up in toxic energies, you've missed the signs and symbols around you. While focusing on the physical body is a good thing (we do need to eat, sleep, and maintain an overall healthy existence), it can spell disaster if you remain in this state for too long. The trouble is, how do you regain a connection if you no longer have the energy to connect spiritually? You need to drastically shift the energy around you. Sometimes it can be as simple as putting music on, lighting a candle, or going outside - something that kicks you off the path of complacency and back onto the spiritual balance beam.
Have you been feeling out of touch with your spiritual or physical side lately? Book a session with us! We can help you rebalance.
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