Words of wisdom from Juliana’s spirit guide
For the third instalment of our blog series, we bring you Juliana's spirit guide, Rebezza. We'd like to point out that, the order in which we've introduced our Spirit Team in no way reflects their relative importance. Each guide plays an equal and necessary role in spiritually developing us and Backyard Wellness. Sarah, Robin, and Rebezza have their own strengths and unique way of communicating. It is not up to us to understand when or why each guide offers guidance when they do. Our job is merely to follow the guidance and respond with open curiosity.
To round out the series, we have channeled a message directly from Rebezza. These powerful words should be read with an open mind and an open heart. Remember to take with you the parts that resonate with your being the most. With that, we welcome Rebezza to our Backyard Wellness space.

"...follow the guidance and respond with open curiosity."
Hello all, so glad you could join us. I like to think of myself as the most powerful of the three of us, however, as our earthly counterparts have stated, power is relative in scale. Power can only be measured accurately if the baseline for your measurements are equal on all fronts, otherwise the metric is useless. However, I digress from the true purpose of my message today.
On this fine morning, I'd like to introduce you to the topic of karma. Some of you may know from physics that each action has an equal and opposite reaction. Newton's law. This also holds true in the spiritual sense. Each action you take, be it physically or metaphysically, has an equal and opposite reaction. Take a wildlife conservationist for example. They tread lightly on the planet, compassionately caring for non-human beings. That lighthearted energy and joy is returned to them with love from other unexpected sources, whether they realize and recognize it or not.
However, take a criminal as another example. They may tread heavily on the earth, acting from their ego mind out of desperation, despair, or both. They have little regard for others, and perhaps even little regard for themselves. In return, the universe provides them with more experiences to diminish their sense of self. Unless there is something to break the cycle, they will remain in this perpetuating loop of negativity for their entire lifetime, and perhaps lifetimes to come.
That leads me to my next point. How do you break a negative karmic cycle, especially if you aren't even aware you're part of one? That's where us guides come in. We look out for you from a higher plane, from a higher perspective. We see aspects of your life that can act as doorways to a more positive path that you yourself have missed. We nudge you towards those doorways. But how do you know when it's your guide working for your highest good? Perhaps you had an unexpected conversation with a stranger that left you deeply and profoundly moved, or perhaps you spotted a word on a bus shelter that was burned into you memory. Or maybe you've always had a nagging feeling that you should be doing something more with your life. Those are only a few ways we will reach out when you need help the most.
But it is not only up to us.
You need to make the next move. You need to recognize when you have fallen into a negative karmic cycle, and break yourself out. We can nudge you all we want, but since it is your life, your learned experiences, and your lessons that shape your soul, you need to make the final move. You need to decide if you're content in your life of confusion, or if it's time to step off the wagon wheel and onto the ferris wheel.
That is all I will say about this for now. Remember that if you have any questions, your own guides are ready and waiting to help. As are the wonderful sisters of Backyard Wellness.
With love,
Have you been feeling out of balance in your own life, and looking for a change for the better? Reach out and book a session with us today! We can help.
Songs to Listen to After Reading
1. You Will be Found by Ben Platt, Kristolyn Lloyd, Original Broadway Cast of Dear Evan Hansen, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland
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