Staying connected as a busy mom
Before my daughter was born, I had ample time to meditate every morning, sometimes for up to an hour at a time. I could go to a yoga class at the drop of a hat, read a calming book any time of the day, and go for hours long walks, uninterrupted and totally in connection with nature. I always felt I would have the same time to do these activities in my new postpartum life, and I was both right and wrong.
Having a baby definitely shakes up your old routines - everything in your day revolves around the baby. When do they need to eat? When do they need to sleep? Are they bored? Are they overstimulated? Between changing hormones in my body and a revolving door of infant emotions, it can be difficult to navigate moments of connection and peace. Difficult, but not impossible. Let me explain.
" can be difficult to navigate moments of connection and peace...but not impossible."
Pre-baby, meditations took place in my bedroom or really any space in the house where I felt connected at that particular moment. Be it inside or outside, I took my time crafting the perfect atmosphere, complete with candles, crystals, and peaceful music. I would look inward and channel messages at length, with no worry about other beings needing my attention.
Nowadays, meditation is not quite as ceremonial as it is necessary. With my mind spinning in circles most days, I need time, albeit fleeting, to reconnect with my higher self. I can usually find my centre in a few moments of deep breathing, or a minute with my eyes closed, connecting to my inner voice. Naturally, my ability to channel has strengthened over the years, so I no longer need absolute quiet to focus, it's more about making sure I can slow down for long enough to let my higher self take over. Sometimes I meditate while the baby is napping (that is, when I'm not the stand-in mattress). Other times, I sneak away while my husband watches her and pull a few oracle cards, or ask the pendulum a question or two. Other times, I set an intention before bed and hope I receive an answer in the morning.
Before becoming a mother, I would usually attend drop in yoga classes whenever the urge struck. The day and time really didn't matter, because I truly didn't have as many responsibilities as I do now. While I would love to take my baby and I to a yoga class outside the house, I haven't quite figured out how to navigate her revolving nap-time and a scheduled class. Instead, I try and find yoga classes on YouTube and follow along at my leisure, with baby by my side. It gives me a moment to slow down and stay grounded, and it gives the baby a moment to view life from a new perspective.
I will admit, my time reading has dwindled over the years, but it's usually a pastime I dive into while on vacation or over a quiet weekend. With baby, not as easy, as one can imagine. I find myself keeping books on the living room end tables, just within arms reach. That way when baby naps on me, I have a little bit of time to catch up on the latest Nicholas Sparks novel (or parenting book, whichever tickles my fancy). Reading has always been a way to escape the world around me for a little while, letting me retreat to a new world without leaving my chair. When I re-emerge I usually feel renewed, as if I've pressed a re-set button on my day.
I love hiking and going for long walks, especially at the cottage. Being in touch with nature sparks something within me, putting the entire world into perspective. I've had moments of divine intervention and inspiration while outside in nature. If we aren't at the cottage, I will take the baby on several nice walks around the city parks. I find it to be just as peaceful and invigorating, especially when I see the baby looking at the sky, clouds, and trees with newfound wonder and excitement. It reminds me why I loved being outside in the first place. I will admit that sometimes we need to stop so I can feed her before continuing on, and my body is not quite used to strenuous activities anymore, but I'm learning to appreciate the slower pace for now.
The best part about finding ways to connect as a mother is including my daughter. I strive to teach her how to stay connected in this noisy world, and I hope that by bringing her along on my spiritual journey, that she will pick up some of my tools and eventually carry them forward on her own journey.
Just as we, Backyard Wellness, guide you, the reader, you too can guide loved ones around you to be more in tune and connected. Want to know where to start? Reach out and book a session today!
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